Vision, Values, Guiding Principles


To promote, grow, and provide a positive youth hockey experience for players of all skill levels and ages within the Red Wing and surrounding communities.


RWAHA exists to introduce and offer a high quality, affordable opportunity for all youths that show an interest in the game of hockey in the Red Wing area. We strive to always deliver a positive hockey experience that delivers outstanding value to the children, parents/guardians, families, and community of Red Wing. We are focused on the development of our youth to not only become better hockey players, but more importantly to become outstanding individuals as a result of teaching life lessons in leadership, sportsmanship, hard work, discipline, personal growth, and outstanding character.


Respect – Among all players, coaches, refs, families, fellow members, volunteers and opposing teams on and off the ice.

Integrity – All conduct will be carried out with the utmost honesty, respect, and character. Always do the right thing.

Leadership – At all levels of the organization through leading by example and inspiring others.

Sportsmanship – Exhibit the following characteristics: Supportive of teammates, a positive attitude, respectful, always willing to learn, and self-control.

Hard Work – Always give your best effort no matter the situation.


• To protect and serve the mutual interests of all RWAHA members

• Foster an environment of collaboration, teamwork, respect and positivity by actively seeking and recognizing differing viewpoints through open communication

• Cultivate strong future leaders, board members and coaches who demonstrate all values herein mentioned

• Promote and improve volunteerism from all stakeholders

• Encourage a strong sense of community pride and participation in the RWAHA

• Adhere to the rules, regulations, and guidelines set forth my MN Hockey and USA Hockey

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